Become a Sadhaka

Nityagni offers following courses for spiritual seekers. Participants can learn/perform any of the below courses of homa and mantra sadhana for getting the blessings of the deities and for spiritual progress.

These classes are scheduled for conveniently for Job holders and available for both online and in-person.

Mantra Sadhana

Student who are seriously seeking for spiritual progress will be initiated into this Mantra sadhana. Who can learns all the procedures of reciting and chanting mantras. This is a detailed version of Sadhana.
Course Duration : 16Hrs

Regular Homa

Regular homa enables a spiritual aspirant to perform a traditional homa as described in the scriptures. This version incorporates various procedures, mantras and mudras to perform and worship Agni more closely.
Course Duration : 8Hrs

Basic Homa

This is a very fundamental and important Homa that helps everyone irrespective of their background and proficiency in Sanskrit to quickly learn & perform a homa to worship dieties through fire god.
Course Duration : 2Hrs

Pitru Tarpanas

Offering Tarpana through pourig water with hands is a simple procedure to make pitrus happy, which removes the blockages/Doshas in the life of an individual and enriches both the Material and spiritual wellbeing.
Course Duration : 2Hrs

Basic Japa Vidhi

Seekers who just initiated into a mantra from a guru can learn these basic japa vidhi procedure which gives better results in their sadhana and make progress in getting siddhi.
Course Duration : 4Hrs

Bojana Vidhi

Eating food is not just filling your stomuch, it actually nuritius the body. Eating wrong way not just cause physical damage but also mental damage. Learn the procedure to eat the right way for a spiritual.
Course Duration : 2Hrs

Bank Details

To fund and support the development of charity activities:
Ac no: 6661961811 (current account)
Bank: Indian Bank
Branch: Rajakilapakkam Branch
IFSC code: IDIB000R053
State: Tamilnadu
Nityagni Payment Modes

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